Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge

For an early dinner I took the family to see the Big Rude Jake Duo (“BRJ2”) who were playing at the nearby Castro’s Lounge restaurant. I’ve loved Big Rude Jake‘s stuff since his first album release, and was pleasantly surprised to find a while back that he has a regular Saturday afternoon matinee gig at Castro’s Lounge. The food is all vegetarian there, and it is a small venue which was perfect for the BRJ2.

I didn’t want to use my flash at the show which would distract the players and disrupt the intimate scene, so the pics are all using natural light, tweaked in PhotoShop Lightroom to bring out a bit more detail where possible.

A good concert, I enjoyed the vegetarian menu selection at the restaurant, and it’s safe to say I’ll return for more classic blues standards from the BRJ2.

Big Rude Jake at Castro's Lounge #1

Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge #1

Big Rude Jake at Castro's Lounge #2

Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge #2

Margaret Stowe with Big Rude Jake at Castro's Lounge

Margaret Stowe with Big Rude Jake at Castro’s Lounge

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