Warrior’s Day Parade at the C.N.E. 2010

Took the opportunity to head down to the Canadian National Exhibition in order to catch The Warrior’s Day Parade. Took my telephoto lens with me and tried to concentrate on taking pictures of the people in the parade, especially the older vets, who are often very expressive.

I didn’t take note this time as to which units appeared, but from what I understand from their website, the parade members follows this sequence:

Members from various regional Royal Canadian Legions
Public Service Veterans, Police War Veterans, Fire Fighters War Veterans Associations, Unattached Veterans – 1939-1945, Korea, Peace Keeping, United Nations Force
Dieppe Veterans, Regimental and Corps Associations, Hong Kong Veterans, Dunkirk Veterans, Burma Star Association, Royal Navy Association, Royal Marine Association, Merchant Navy Association, Canadian and British Airborne Forces Associations, Guards Division Association, Royal Canadian Naval Association
Allied and Visiting, and Re-enactor/Living History Contingents.

Last year I had a vantage point from almost the middle of the parade, and this year I took a vantage spot that wasn’t far from the official stands near the Princes’ Gates.

Here’s my single favourite pic, of a female vet beaming at the crowds as she is being driven in a lovely old green Bentley:

Warrior's Day Parade 29

Warrior's Day Parade 29

Here’s the rest:

Here’s the pics I shot at last year’s parade.

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