Monday, July 20, 2009

Until Sometime Next Month...

Worked up north at the cabin for the morning. Managed to see the girls off to their day camp at the Ojibway Club, and settled in there until lunchtime, checking emails and working away on the netbook that I had brought up with me.

Left not long after lunch. Just before I did, I took this pic of three lonely-looking Muskoka chairs on the deck of the main cottage on the island. I hope to return again sometime next month.

Came home by Ontario Northland bus via Got home to an over-ripe smelling Toronto (no, the garbage strike did not end while I was away) and settled in to finish the work I had started (and couldn't really work on the bus, though I tried) on earlier in the day.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

In the Garden After the Rain

Another rainy day. Needing a picture of the day, I ventured out into our backyard garden with the macro lens to see what there was to see and photograph.

Easily my favourite shot of the day: the underside of a grape leaf that had been rained on. I like the way that the droplets magnify the cells in the leaf.
Close-up of a lily spattered with rain drops.
A tall, purple plant with flowers also displaying water droplets.
Looks a bit like some soggy mop. I like the contrast against the dark leaves.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Fly and a Moth

Even our small backyard can reward the patient photographer equipped with a macro lens. I started shooting some flowers, but in the end got taken in by a couple of insects instead.

Hover Fly on a Leaf

Interesting bug #1 - a Hover Fly, which looks like a fly with bee markings (a type of bee mimic).

Hopefully it is the sort that eats aphids, which are currently plaguing our honeysuckle.

Interesting bug #2 - Nope, not what you might think it is at first. Look more closely at what seems like a bird dropping on a leaf and you'll see an antenna, wings, and a fussy eye looking straight at the camera. Am pretty sure it's a Codling moth, which is apparently a real pest to Apple farmers. And looks like bird poop.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Grape Vine Silhouette

Took over 70 pics today, mostly conventional shots of flowers from our back yard, and in the end I took about three shots of a grape vine silhouetted against the sky. Guess which one I liked best of the bunch.

To my mind it proves that experimenting with new angles and subject are always worthwhile.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

A Fancy Onion!

Took the dog for a walk down by Woodbine Park, and I ran across a bunch of these purple flowers, which are arranged in a sphere at the top of a think stalk. Too cool for me to pass up, especially since I had my macro lens with me.

I had no idea what it was, but then I found that a friend and former colleague had posted similar pics on his blog, and somebody mentioned what they were in the comments section: Allium, which is from the onion family. A very fancy onion indeed!

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Friday, January 09, 2009

Still Life

I needed a picture of the day, so I present: still life with bananas.

Can't help but think that they look like fingers grabbing all of the apples...

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